Yorkshire Independent School Invites Kevin Sinfield To Speech Day

Yorkshire Independent School Invites Kevin Sinfield To Speech Day

The inspirational sporting and charitable star, Kevin Sinfield OBE shared his headline-hitting achievements at Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate. He took to the stage as the keynote speaker for the 2023 Speech Day at the North Yorkshire Independent School.

The annual Speech Day awards students for their achievements across Chapter House, King's Magna, Faculty and College.

Kevin Sinfield Presents Awards to Queen Ethelburga's Students

Kevin Sinfield shared his achievements of debuting at Wembley at age 11, raising the monumental £7.5 million for motor neurone charity MND. Most recently becoming the role of England’s Rugby Defence Coach. He inspired students with advice on how to be a champion at home, at school or in your career.

Kevin presented students with their awards, and he said of his day:

“It was great to be a part of the QE Speech Day. Seeing and hearing about the achievements and being a part of something which can inspire the next generation. As I mentioned in my speeches, to become a champion you have to be a champion at home first. My final piece of advice to them was no matter what you go on to do after your time in education, cherish your friends too.”

Kevin Sinfield at Queen Ethelburga's Speech Day 2023

Student Success Stories in Yorkshire Independent School

Students took to the stage performing various pieces over two events in the day. Below is a snapshot of some of the achievements from this year so far:

  • The BEBRAS competition saw nearly thirty students score in the top 10% in the country. Subsequently, they gained access to the elite Oxford University Computing Challenge.
  • Year 6 students have challenged themselves with the Junior Mathematics Challenge aimed at Year 8. Whilst Year 9 students attempted the Intermediate Mathematics Challenge aimed at Year 11. Four students have succeeded in the next stage.
  • Benjamin J, Year 4, was a finalist in the ISA Young Musician of the Year, winning 2nd place in the Junior category.
  • Year 13 student Hannah M was a winner of the ISA Shakespeare Monologue Competition.
  • ISFA selected George B, Stanley W and Zac K for the U13 Yorkshire Squad.
  • A team of Sixth Form students have become the first school students in the UK to participate in the Student Motorsports Challenge, part of the UK CityCar Cup Championship.
  • The senior netball team won the SistersnSport National final.
  • The U16 netball team won the Independent Schools Association National Cup, as well as becoming the Harrogate and Craven Area Champions.
  • The senior football team were Area Cup Champions.
  • The U16 Football team who won the Independent Schools Association 6-a-side National Cup.
  • The U16 basketball team – won the North Conference in the National League.
Alumni Sporting Achievements

In addition to the team achievements, we have had several Old Ethelburgians who have signed to professional teams:

  • Footballer Jay McGrath has signed a contract with Coventry City
  • Heath Richardson has signed a contract with Bradford City FC
  • Amy Braithwaite is the first netballer from QE to sign a professional contract with Leeds Rhinos

Parents at Yorkshire Independent School Speech Day

Speech Day Celebrates Students Past and Present

Finally, the annual showcase highlights achievements beyond the Collegiate, from QE’s strong alumni cohort of Old Ethelburgians. Anissa Payne, from Class of 2012, is Owner and Executive Producer of NM Productions and a finalist in the 2022 Movers and Shakers Awards. She received the 2023 Outstanding Achievement from an Old Ethelburgian Award. She has travelled the world with her global production company, and working with household brands such as Apple, Nike, Jaguar, Adidas and Land Rover.

Anissa spoke highly of her time at QE:

“I think the one thing that is important for us all to realise whether you are still at QE; you are prospective students to QE; or you are former students of QE; is that we were really lucky to attend such a great school with amazing teachers, amazing facilities and amazing opportunities.

QE gave me the confidence to go out into the world knowing I had a really good network of connections that I had established at school.”

Thanks From The Principal, Dan Machin

Speaking on the day, Daniel Machin, Principal of Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, said ‘QE is not a school where our students’ futures are dependent on our opinion of what they should achieve. It is a school where we take pride in our students’ ambition, and work alongside them to find as many opportunities for them to achieve what they are aiming for.

Our students take pride in the diversity of our community, and their aspirations are as varied as it is possible to be. There is nothing better than seeing a student join us with their own aspirations and supporting them to achieve their future goals. We would also like to thank Kevin Sinfield for celebrating Speech Day with us.”

Begin your education at Queen Ethelburga's, a Yorkshire Independent School, by visiting the school at an Open Day or speaking to our friendly Admissions Team.