Academic House System

Academic House System

When you join Queen Ethelburga’s you will join one of the four houses, named in the memory of Queen Ethelburga (a Kentish princess largely responsible for the introduction of Christianity to Northumbria).

The house system adds another level of community and competitiveness to life at the Collegiate. Staff and students get involved in activities outside of the classroom and students love to compete in races, fundraisers and healthy competition.

The four houses are:


Cantwara Cantwara is the old English name for the Kingdom of Kent, with its capital at Cantwara Burg - now called Canterbury. 

Ethelburga was the daughter of the King of Cantwara, to whom she returned following the death of her husband.


EoforwicEoforwic is the old English name for York, at that time the capital of Northumbria.

Ethelburga was the second wife of Edwin of Northumbria. They lived together at Aldby Park near York, before Edwin was killed and Ethelburga fled back to Kent.


DerwentDerwent is the name of a river - in fact, there are four River Derwents in England.

But, this house is named after the River Derwent that flows past Aldby Park, where Ethelburga gave birth to her first daughter.


LymingeLyminge was the name of a ruined Roman villa between Canterbury and the coast where Ethelburga founded the first nunnery in England.

She founded the nunnery after the death of her husband and remained there as Abbess for the rest of her life.

The house system adds another level of community and competitiveness to life at the Collegiate. Staff and students get involved in activities outside of the classroom and students love to learn the values of leadership through working with our four experienced Heads of Academic Houses.

QE pupil in dining hall

Staff and students get involved in activities outside of the classroom and students love to compete in races, fundraisers and healthy competition.
Academic Points System

Students are rewarded points based on four categories:

  • Academic
  • Enrichment
  • Wellbeing
  • Welfare

Competition is high between the houses as students work hard to receive points from staff for going above and beyond school expectations.

Congratulations to Eoforwic for winning the House Cup in 2022 and 2023!



House Events

Combined crestQueen Ethelburga’s holds house events throughout the year, with highlights including sports days, house music, house drama, house art and house debate. Students and staff are encouraged to get involved by hosting new events and participating in dedicated house weeks.

Fundraising and community are at the heart of house weeks as students choose a theme based on the four spotlight charities selected each year.


Two girls winning the Music and Drama House Competition at Chapter House